What does Pi equal to?
Correct answer: 3.142

Player #1033934
Einstein's birthday 3/14

March 14 is pi day

Player #3196549
It's also used for hat sizes. if you see a size 8 hat then the circumference of your head is eight times pi. Cool eh.

Rand Al'Thor
Happy Pi Day everyone :-)

Pi is an irrational number, so 3.142 is just rounded to 3 decimal places.

Player #10186702
The question should be written as: "What is the approximate value of pi?"

Not "equal to" then, since it's an approximation!

Player #13555308
pi is not equal to 3.142!!!

Player #16063068
Pi is not a Greek word, it's a Greek letter

Life of Pi was a good movie. I don't remember how the boy got the name, but i always think of this pi.

Player #120374466
I just guessed at 3.142 because its got to be big enough to be close to a size of a pie. 🥧

So why the question asks PI equal to? It's only aproximated by 3,142.

Pi is the result of dividing the circumference of any perfect circle by its diameter.

plantlover1111, only in the US. Everywhere else March 14 is 14/3

Player #51168505
The value is roundet at 3,143, but the value is 3,141592353. In romanian language it is easy to know it if you had a good math teacher. 😁

Vee, You're right 👍🏻

Player #10186702, Exactly 💯

Player #1033934, This is actually true

plantlover1111, I love blueberry pi

Charissa Ramcallian
wow 😲 incredible I literally didn't know that

yologames69142, yes it is they got it wrong 😂

MIB42, 3.1416

There is a little math song or two that I remember learning. Just now it popped into my head, “3.1415Ni-i-ine!”

isn't it longer than that??? i think it's really long

Felipe, 22÷7=approx pi.

The Greek symbol or letter makes a nice tattoo!

isn't it 3.141

As explained after the question, Pi is not equal to anything but Pi itself.

Player #47791244
Player #35366362, the number following the 4 in 3.1412....which is 1 is under 5; therefore cannot be rounded and changed to 3.143. Did you know that?

Flying Cookie
greek pi is a letter π

Mankaran Singh Chugh
that's why I hate Maths.

Player #10186702, Well, in Quizlands defence, the explanation does say approximation... lol

Chilled Tea
If you write 3.14, and then you reverse it, you will read PI.E! AMAZING!

Player #40238505
Bakit may taw

value of pi was calculated by a scientist born in present day Pakistan ♥️

Player #25874027
Probably because most people only survive 3.14 seconds when they meet a tiger

Player #28575698
Why not use the symbol“π”, more easily understand.😒

so far I have memorized 100 digits

It's my birthday! My boyfriend really glad I'm born on Pi day as he is really bad with remembering special dates. It must be a man thing. LOL

Yknip 7
You can begin to calculate pi by dividing 22 by 7. (22/7)