Who said: "If the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!"?
Correct answer: Johnnie Cochran

Player #96919
Pimpao +, Just goes to show what money can do

Player Say what!?
I watched the trial from start to finish. When OJ "struggled" to put the glove on it was obvious it wouldn't go on as it was a leather glove and he was already wearing a rubber glove. Upsetting that the prosecutor didn't catch that.

Now this game has a new fandango look into each others profile I'm going to have to learn some flags, and incidentally get better at improving my score.

Jim Sonnett
Jackie Chiles on "Seinfeld" 😆

Player Bengal Mama
AutumnalCrust12, Not really, look at how his life has gone. Punishment comes, there's no getting away.

Player #83925953
l will never forget that day. I was working as a Probation officer, at the time. I just knew that THIS case was one thing that would be remembered by many. I am of African American descent, but that had like or no influence on what was going on. I, myself, felt right away that O.J. did it and the stuff on TV was just stuf for the Defense, the News Reports, and the advertising people.

toothless beachrat
I spoke on the phone with Cochran in 2003. He called the company I worked for looking to purchase a treadmill for his father. I explained that an elliptical would be a better option due to the age of his father and the lack of impact on the knees. He purchased a Precor elliptical from our company...

Player #83925953, Many people thought he did it.. getting the country to watch trying to escape in a Ford Bronco said it all. I feel bad for Nicole’s Family and Ron Goldman.. and the kids so young they never knew their mother. It was just in Justice.. just sad

A shame how that verdict divided the Country when it should have been an easy decision. Karma is in play .

Player Say what!?, that, and the leather glove had been wet. Leather shrinks as it dries.

He was a crook , maybe more than that!