Which historical event did not happen in the year 1969?

Correct answer: President John F. Kennedy was assassinated

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What people think about it: 7 Comments
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
AutumnalCrust12, I was 7 years old in 1963. I remember I was in my second grade class. Our teacher was told and it was the first time I saw my teacher cry. School was recessed for the day. Our principle told us to go quietly to our buses out of respect for our fallen President. And we did go quietly.
Player #8559057
Player #8559057
died in 63
Player Say what!?
Player Say what!?
Diver Dan, I wish people would re-read questions before complaining it's "bad".
Player #9442102, I was 7, also
11/22/63 A day that gets sadder every year.
Player #16702581
Player #16702581
remember all those. I was 8 yrs. old remember Walter Cronkite. watching all these on the news.
this was an easy one for level 1370!!