What do pigeons eat?

Correct answer: Seeds and fruit

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Or anything else we toss at them.
has anyone seen a baby pigeon I haven't
I know we are not supposed to feed them, but they look so hungry I can't help myself☹️
* Seshati *
* Seshati *
I love pigeons they are very underrated today & deserve respect. Its not their fault they were once domesticated & introduced into other countries & then neglected. I feel saddened when I see their decline of health most importantly along with a lot of marine life & other birds as that peck at pieces daily strewn about on the floor they have multiple micro-plastics in their stomachs. Bless them like any other living being trying to live their lives on this planet where human beings rule the roost.
Player #8258475
Player #8258475
Flying rats.