What is a Rhodesian Ridgeback?
Correct answer: Breed of dog

My friend had one, he was gorgeous and really timid, I think the only lion he could track down was the Cowardly one from Oz and then he’d probably lick him to death!!! 😂

My friend's RR acted like a cat. Tippy toed on the backs of sofas and wanted so much to sit your lap. Cute but heavy

Called Ridgebacks now as there is no way that they would be called Zimbabwe Ridgebacks. I bred them before I was kicked out of Zimbabwe.. The most amazing dogs ever ❤ ♥ .

Player Raving Lu, anyone can type ANYTHING in Wikipedia & it is NOT checked!

Cap’n Patch
Lunarsea, No, read the fine print! It says that the dogs would track and bay at the lions. It was up to the hunters to shoot the lions, NOT THE DOGS!

Player Raving Lu, Maybe he was trying to impress you. Or sell you a dog...

Thank you to the Westminster Dog Show. I learned different dog breeds by watching that show almost every year!

Our tenant has a Ridgeback. Baily is very timid, especially with men. He's quite old now... :(

Player Raving Lu, So, are you saying they were bred to hunt and kill lions?

Player Raving Lu
Wikipedia is a good source of information and facts but as is true of any source of information and facts Wikipedia does contain errors.

Player Raving Lu
I obtained my Rhodesian Ridgebacks while visiting Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) from a breeder with 40 years experience breeding Rhodesian Ridgebacks and he informed me Rhodesian Ridgebacks were bred to hunt and kill lions.

it pays to watch the American Kennel Club, the AKC for dogs. They have a tournament every year and I dont miss a year. Remember, here awhile back, QuizzLand was on a dog breed kick. I didnt miss one question!! Stretch your wings!! it helps with this game!!