Who is in this picture?
Correct answer: Victor Hugo

toe jam
l don't know why, but he looks like Santa claus.

Player #33161631
That's a remarkably good quality photo for the 19th century!

Callie Rose
I wrote a final essay for Theater history on Victor Hugo, I had included all his works in the paper. I got an F on the paper, but there was a note on the title page, "You did not include Three Musketeers, Count of Monte Cristo, or Man in the iron mask!" I took the paper up to the professor (PhD, Head of Theater Department) and told him I would have mentioned them, if Hugo had written them, but since the stories had been written by Hugo's arch enemy, Alexandre Dumas, they did not belong in a paper about Hugo. We finally called the University Library and confirmed Dumas wrote those particular stories and not Hugo. I got an A on the paper.

His funeral procession was attended by over two million people.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
"Why was I not made of stone like thee?"