How old was Madame de Pompadour when she died?
Correct answer: 42

TaeGuk Kweenie
Madame Pompadour AND Voltaire!!!!! Thank you. Two of my favorites from France. Long dismissed as a frou-frou figure of fluff and a mere concubine, and even a procuress, this Minister in Petticoats was as substantial and influential as her pretty and petty royal lover, Louis XV, was mediocre and lazy. Just about every other thing that the French Tourism can sing Te Deum for today can be traced back to her imagination and ambition and endeavor. Along with Russia's Catherine The Great, she was an early female professional politician who did change a great many things more than just national boundaries.

Player Teresa611
Player #53553731, Back in those days, 42 wasn’t young at all. Life expectancy was far lower than it is today.

What a beautiful eulogy he gave her, he really cared for her!! RIP!