Phillip II of Macedon was the father of which ancient military leader?
Correct answer: Alexander the Great
He conquered the Greeks at Heroneia 338 BC, so he wasn't Greek, but MACEDONIAN varvarin
O' Brento, exactly which bit are you disputing? Many history websites describe an ancient kingdom in northern Greece and the Balkan peninsula called Macedon (also called Macedonia)
Macedonia was a Greek Kingdom the whole Balkan area was Greek in ancient times the language that were spoken was Greek. The slavs migrated to the Balkans around the 600 AD. Anyone who wouldn't speak Greek was consider a barbarian (onomatopoeic word that meant non Greek). History cannot be altered.
Player #97184361
bbluesee, What a great lineage and story of alec the great. what’s difference between Greek and Macedon. ! ! !?
i have a classmate name Alexander
Player #25874027
Chris_, please explain how barbarian is onomatopoaeic
Tom W, um..that's obviously what they meant .
great story!!