What term is often used to describe those born between the end of WWII and the early 1960s?
Correct answer: Baby boomers
I was born in 1956 so I'm definitely a boomer. It wasn't until I watched 'Call the Midwife' that I really appreciated the poverty that my parents had lived through. I do think that we have been the luckiest generation as we have benefited most from sanitation, medical advances, decent house prices and pensions, to name just a few. My grandmother was a domestic, which must have been unbelievably hard work in the days before all the appliances that we take for granted today.
Compared to the mellenials of today, we baby boomers are the best generation ever. I
my brain: don't say it. don't say it. don't say it!
ok boomer
I am a boomer too. I like the era which I was born. We had a peaceful life style with not so many wiered stuff happening like these days. Grew up with respect for all and everything
Alexandra Kendall
I hate being called a boomer in a mean way.
Player #13250071, and ZyggyStardust maybe starting maternity, new moms and baby geared businesses will be profitable soon? Although, the future shall always remain unpredictable.
why does the picture show seven babies in buckets full of water?
Born in 1954 in SA we fight in the Angola war 18 years old
Player #33161631
KeiKo, well done demonstrating the stereotypical attitude of boomers: me, me, me.
I was born in 1960 so am I a baby boomer
b-baka, I know right
I was born just before the US entered the war (WW2). I remember blacking out 1/2 if car headlights so the weren’t so visible from the air; people had black shades on the windows to shut out lights in homes; my dad was in a group that went around the neighborhood at night to make sure no one’s lights were showing. People went around to collect metal cans, etc. to be used as air materiel. In school we learned to crouch under our desks in case there was an air raid. I was too young to understand being scared, but by the early 1940s, Americans were very nervous!
Please put in questions about the silent generation.
I am not a bloomer.😋
Player Elf Counsel
Jo, I came along too soon. 1941. I remember the war. Barrage balloons, Air raids, Searchlights. The sirens going warning us to go down to our Anderson shelter in the garden. Memorable times.
Ah yes, I am an elder Xer 😉