Dogon Country is the name for what region?

Correct answer: Region of Mali

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Laudy Miss Claudy
Laudy Miss Claudy
Occuring every 60 years the Sigui is the most important ceremony in Dogon life. The Sigui is an event related to the Sacred. Star. The Sigui marks the completion of an orbit. The time when the earth, Sirius and the Sacred Star are directly aligned. The moment when the Dogon people and their Star are the closest. When NASA scientists noted minute shifts in the position of Sirius astronomers suspected the gravitational influence of an unseen companion. When computer studies of the data was complete they verified that a small star orbited Sirius every 60 years exactly as the Dogon claimed. The last Sigui ceremony took place in 1967 and lasted for weeks. The next one will start in 2027.
amazing. why do you have to force religion on people. I will love to learn more about the Dogon life
Calabtangan' Boyoyong, maybe they don’t want to be forcefully and violently converted. Ya think?
Calabtangan'  Boyoyong
Calabtangan' Boyoyong
i wonder why they don't like Islam