Where was Abraham Lincoln born?
Correct answer: Kentucky

my favorite Lincoln quote "Sometimes it is better to remain silent and appear a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt"

Player #1005159
a great american, Now look what we got now. what happen people.

Good History question. Hate history in school, but have learned a lot in the last 48 years since I have graduated in 1970.

I loved the story and history of Abraham Lincoln as a kiddo. I personally think He was a Wonderful President and the Man was one of the most Humble and Ethical Presidents Ever Elected to Office.

i 💟 abe
good president

Ben's Girl
BoDerek1951, Me too! When I was in school, my attitude towards History was that anything that happened before I was born was 'none of my business'!! Now that I have been out of school since 1983, history fascinates me. Go figure!

Player #3912337
what!!!Prettypenny Please read Before you make a statement. THE problem with education in this country. They have stopped teaching anything of value, Like History.

He suffered from depression, but he kept working. The pressure must have been insane, but he had major courage.

DarkMaitri, He was born in Hodgenville, Kentucky. At about age 7, his family moved to Indiana. He moved to Illinois at age 21. I live in LaRue County which Hodgenville is the county seat of. Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historical Park is located in Hodgenville.

The Great Emancipator Thanx Abe

Cat Memes
I Live In The Land Of Lincoln!!!

Player #143736128
Want to read an awesome book about Lincoln
Team of Rivals.

I am going out to dinner tonight with my friends for dinner and then I will come home and watch the kids and then we can go to the park and play

even though he was a great man he was a liar in politics and had no right to free slaves

even though Illinois is know as the land of Lincoln.

Eric the red
"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." Abraham Lincoln

Every American learns this in grammar school, as they should.

marimargo, I wish I could have been in that class. 😕

Rhinobug , I don't think it matters where he came from. He was a honest and good person and died for it

Rythm1voiceoriginal1, Not only that he was smart and honest. In my opinion, he was the best president we ever had

Player #1005159, I'm with you,this country is in trouble, I just hope it's not too late to turn it around!

GrimHoneybee19036, I love that quote also, I actually believe that!

I'm a KY girl. have visited his birthplace many times
Love me some Abraham Lincoln LOL 😆

He was born in Kentucky, ask google.

yaba daba do
GrimHoneybee19036, where did you read this?

Player #1005159, this world 2024 is crazy, chaotic, and scary.

He was born in Illinois

Player #37926539, he was born in Springfield, Illinois.

justin, he was born in Springfield, Illinois.

85 Bear, yes. Springfield, Illinois.

Rhonda, yes. Springfield, Illinois.

Abraham Lincoln was born in Springfield, Illinois, not Kentucky.

History can be very dry and boring. it takes an extremely good teacher to make history alive i.e. to seem real.
I had one of those teachers in high school.
The 1st day of school we were told to take our books home and leave them in a safe place until the year was over. We discussed U.S. history by what caused things to happen and the consequences of people's decisions. We had discussion groups to express ideas. No lectures. He was the best teacher I ever had.

Player #129810510
Xerro, As President, Lincoln issued The Emanciption Proclamation, declaring that henceforth all slaves would be free.

I was an A student. But in History and Geography, I did as little as possible to attain the A.I wish we could graduate with the option to take these classes at a later date. I love those subjects now and soak up as much as I can.

Jenn Natalia
GrimHoneybee19036, what about "ouch! There's a whole in my hat..."

Rythm1voiceoriginal1, I do too

Player #1005159, Dude i get u

I wish he was our president now litterally we have had the worst presidents in the history of presidents the last few years i miss president obama

Ben's Girl, me too, I'm fascinated by history also now but not then.