President George H. W. Bush threw up all over the Prime Minister of which country?
Correct answer: Japan

Player #3891327, No Nixon was guilty of many things but I'm pretty sure throwing up in China was not one of them...
I wouldn't call Bush's episode a gaffe though. Reportedly, he was suffering from the flu and the exotic dish placed before him contained (fish?) eyes... (Me, I wouldn't have needed the flu to do the same thing! ha!)
The reports also said Bush was so embarrassed when he came to, he jokingly asked an aide to just roll him under the table and leave him there.

Remenber it. Japan just took in stride. Stuff happens.

It wasn't a gaffe. The poor man was sick. The Japanese knew this.

Wannabe Vulcan
Maestro1313, Japan is a civilized country.

I remember when this happened. I felt very badly for him. He was one of my favorite Presidents. I respected him and the way he ran the first Gulf War. I have the newspaper from the day he died. There hasn't been a good one since him.

Player Say what!?
RushMama2112, Gaffe is a really poor word choice.

Player #49699886
That must have been so embarassing for the President.If he wasn't feeling well he should have postponed the meeting until a later date instead of spilling his guts over on Japan's Prime Minister