Due to the Coronavirus-19, which items did Facebook donate to US healthcare workers on 3/23/20?
Correct answer: 720,000 face masks

my sympathy to all who has lost someone in this mess

I'm encouraged how people are trying to help one another in their own ways. Thank you M.Z. for that kind gesture; reading this really warmed my heart. Also thank you to all the medical professionals putting themselves in harm's way in order to help save lives.

Player #12694226
It's so very critical that everyone complies with social distance, and face coverings. It will save lives. Please be safe everyone.

I still can't find enough toilet paper.

I live in an apartment complex where everyone is 55 and up. I want to make sure everyone here stays well so I am trying to make reusable cloth masks, at least three per person, but finding the right size elastic to use is almost impossible. Now I use any thing I can find like headbands made of material. Any money I get will be split between the two Humane services in my county

Felipe, SIP 🙏🏻😔

Ms. Wilkie
Felipe, sending you peace. 🙏

Mark Zuckenberg, founder of Facebook, does have a heart! He truly is a philanthropist!! GO MARK!!