What is the ideal depth of level of water in a bird bath?
Correct answer: 2 inches

Marita Broome
good information

good to know. I have hundreds of birds who feast here so gonna add a rock in their birdbath :)

Platinouno, Don't forget that birds need drinking water all year round, if the water freezes in winter, you need to check it regularly.
I don't put water in a dish for birds because I have a pond with a wide cascade, but I put drinking water out for baby hedgehogs (I live in the UK) I like to keep the little guys away from the pond.

I'll be doing this next summer!

Good idea. I'll add an inverted saucer and a rock. I clean it with a brush and add clean water about every 3 days. They really seem to like that.

Pimpao +
great ideas

Player #18190419
What kind of bird would need 5 metres haha!
Still loving this quiz. Lots of fun.

Smokey Rules
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, I live in Saskatchewan where water freezes in winter. This question had me wondering where winter birds get moisture. Looked on line; they get it from snow, insects or wild fruit. I’m wondering how juicy insects are!

Graham Y.N.W.A. JFT
I've had racing pigeons most if my life. use an old shower basin for the bath. they absolutely love it.
Y.N.W.A. JFT96

3/5 Black Knight
a bird swimming pool is 5 meters deep. be sure to Mark the deep end so they know.

I live in the UK too (Shropshire) I put food out for "my" hedgehogs all year round because they do wake up and snack during milder periods of the winter, my pond has a wide cascade, great for birds to drink and bathe, it also has shallow areas around the edges for the puggles to drink from.
Did you know that a baby hedgehog is called a puggle?

little b
I love to have a bird 🐦 bath in my garden in the summer

This is a hypocritical assumption the bits go 2"
on the other hand Smaller take 1" what about Pelican Pecans
maybe they want more Spacious 5" room to play ?

Player #120374466
Good info on border baths. I don't have one currently. But hope to this summer.

Mary Kowalski, I think 2 inches were also the answer in the quiz

Aw ( v c. C

Player #51457099, don't think they swim so that's about 15 feet I don't think they'd like it

Player #18190419, dinosaur 🦕 bird

Neculai13, 2.54 centimeters is one inch, can you do the math from there?

Depends on the bird! In my garden, the bigger birds like currawongs and magpies like a deeper birdbath (about 15 cm), but the smaller honeyeaters, thornbills and pardalotes seem happiest in very shallow dishes, even just 2 cm of water.

Mary Kowalski
As an older American, I do not use meters - I find it confusing and don't know anyone to teach me.
Even Google! Just thick headed I guess -

Player #51457099
5 metres! Good for an Ostrich I suppose…

make the game easier

who know how much is 2 inches!?

I have 2 birdbaths next to each other. One is the suggested 2" & the other one is nearly double that. The birds all seem to prefer the deeper one, maybe it's cos they're daredevil Aussie birds 🤪😉😁

Player #32778806
Player #18190419, an ostrich

Fun guy
5 metre for a Pterodactyl....

Player #13023389
I had a bird bath years ago, they sure enjoy it. I love watching birds and need a book to identify them. Debby

5 meters??? yikes!!

Player #18190419,
Diving birds!

I answered 15 inches bcoz i didn't read the quest properly

Lol, a five metre deep birt bad :)

Half of the answers are in metric the other in whatever you are using over there, please keep it consistent and understandable for us over here in Europe ;)

Player #3896156
it's on the picture

* Seshati *
Smokey Rules, haha lol but true true.

* Seshati *
Player BARTEMAEUS 10, sounds so cute & good on ya.

Gruntled Penguin
wyllflower67, Arizona Cardinal is a ballplayer.