What did the famous London bookstore, Foyles, use for roof protection during the WWII blitz of London?
Correct answer: Sandbags filled with old books including copies of "Mein Kampf"

I do not think the Nazi bombers knew about the books being there.

That's called "thumbing your nose at your enemy" - I love it! lol 🤣

Player Bengal Mama
sonnybud, It may never have actually done much but oh my, what a good feeling it gave me to know this.

strange fact🤔

Old Fool
Arohanui, you mean the Gestapo Protected Store system.

I got A++ in Civil Service Exam.

Colette, They could not have been precise enough to miss, and the desire to cause damage would have prevailed anyway.Besides if they won they would have made everyone speak German and have no use for English books!

little b
I've not heard of sandbags ghhgkhf

longer answer correct answer

Well done!!! Great idea to use subversive literature!

Player #83925953, it was a joke...

Player #83925953
Arohanui, what GPS? THIS took place in the 1940s, GPS came approximately 65 years later.

wow!! what a desperate man!! war is ugly, and always, with great losses!!