Which 1986 movie has the tagline "There can be only one"?
Correct answer: Highlander

great, great film!

Great movie, good cast, GREAT MUSIC "Who wants to live forever"

Brilliant film that was followed by sequels that never quite made it and a TV series that was ok but as the question stated There can be only one!

toothless beachrat
I've never seen the film, but a woman I grew up with in Manhattan Beach, CA, was in the film. Amanda Wyss, also in Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Silverado, and most famously the first person ever killed by Freddie Kruger. Oh yeah, and the girlfriend of "Woody" ( Woody Harrelson) on "Cheers".

That film inspired me to study Kendo. I still have my Swords and Armour.
I'm a stronger, fiitter Man than I would have been without it.

The only issue I have with it is Connery's " Spanish" accent 😄