In which of these countries do vehicles drive to the left?

Correct answer: Thailand

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What people think about it: 3 Comments
luckycatfay, in the Caribbean we drive on the left. I had no problems at all in countries that drive on the right. That being said, I understand that driving in Asia in general can be challenging, right or left
From my experience in Thailand, they drive on which ever side of the road they like.
Tremain White
Tremain White
I was in Thailand for over a year and was alone for fewer than six hours, in any total stretch of time. I write this in forced exile, where I've not had a proper relationship, in almost two years. the moral of this story is: find where in this world you're deemed attractive, and don't waste time being alone if you've the choice, then show your appreciation while you can, should you want the joy you've found to last...