Up to 2018, which country was the one where women were not allowed to drive a car?
Correct answer: Saudi Arabia

the way women are treated in the Arab countries is disgusting, along with their idea of human rights

SOOTI, Their camels are treated better.

I think ban is lifted in Saudi

ConnectedLecturer14, we should have nothing to do with them at all. Totally a terrorist country.

Stinky Toad
RICK-N-BACHER, that's not true.

Nikash, there aren't any cars to drive, for men or women. the people can barely afford food.

And they cannot wear sunglasses either. misogynistic government in Saudi.

MoMo Abdulqadir
But they drive now even Uber, this information was before almost more 5 years ago, update please

Richie, wonder what the world would be like if it was run by women, better or not??

Amreen Nasir
In many countries women don't have right to vote..

Doesn’t North Korea have the same rules !??