What is this traditionally African-American Southern dish in the picture?

Correct answer: Chittlerings

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What people think about it: 9 Comments
it's isaw not ipaw in the Philippines.fyi
Player #96919
Player #96919
nejible!, Looks absolutely gross and I would not even put the tiniest morsel in my mouth for all the tea in China.
Haggis is sheeps' heart, liver and lungs minced up, encased in the stomach lining then boiled. I didn't know what it consisted when I tried it as a full Scottish and I probably won't eat it again, but it tasted delicious
Player #55741825
Player #55741825
In the uk every thing was eatable,tripe(stomach),pigs trotters(feet);ox tails (tail),cod’s roe( eggs still in the sack of cod)black pudding (pigs blood sausage)and many more bourne of the world wars fought and lack of food due to said wars but now days spare ribs,liver,kidneys ect are a delacies
Some parts of animals aren't meant to be eaten! It must surely have health risks.
Player Jellybean, also a staple food of the wage slave , poor in the UK .
Player #12331564
Player #12331564
Glenn the Excel man, My dad used to eat them as well and was almost like a treat for him, not for me though thanks. We lived in Bristol, UK
Player #10671978
Player #10671978
ChewyGazelle68623, im from the mountains of WV and they are delicious a real southern dish but they smell bad when being cooked and we still butcher hogs right before Thanksgiving
nejible!, you tell them, my friend!!