When were the first Nobel Prizes awarded?
Correct answer: 1901

Pimpao +
His Greatest Legacy Open Knowledge to all !

Only science which is never nominated for Nobel is mathematics. Reason is the last will of Mr. Nobel himself whose wife cheated on him with a mathematician. What a revenge!

Wow. I didn't know any of this! It's not easy for everyone.

Should have made the options a bit harder, 1969 is way to late and 1600 is way to early. 1837 was a good alternative, though his award would be strange to name after him in such young age. This left only one option.

Player #26129643
Two unrelated comments. One, I thought dynamite was created for mining and speeding up railroad construction, e.g. , and that Nobel was disappointed at the military uses. Second, I always laugh at the 'Ig Nobel' prizes every year (google it).

Swede not Swedish

Had to use the 50/50 option for this one.

Another correct guess

Player #25874027
There are players who complain if the dates are too close together , I guess the setters can’t lease everyone every time

Nobel did this out of guilt for inventing dynamite.

Player #91319843
Player #25874027, can't lease or can't please???

D.G., I've heard that but I didn't know if it is true

At the time, Sweden and Norway were one country. When Norway split away from Sweden they were given the responsibility for the Nobel Peace Prize while Sweden kept the responsibility for the others.

Pimpao +, did I read he had a brother who died in a accidental explosion

D.G., that is one explanation, that is spicy and thus very wide spread. But another one is that math is not considered directly influencing science by itself. There are mathematicians that received a Nobel prize, but for their breakthroughs and work in other fields. Most well-known is probably - John Nash. On the other hand Nobel never married. There is a rumor that he and another scientist (a mathematician indeed) were interested in the same woman but that is not proven by any sources and evidence.

Sonja Griseldis
Centenarian, swede is a vegetable.

Player #37194044
I dont like thiz

Glad to see the dynamite reference. Not many know that...

Player #12266616
I was luck to see noble house

Player elguapo
GrandmaTanya, wasn't the award an apology for dynamite?