Which among these animals has the longest lifespan?
Correct answer: Sulphur-crested cockatoo

:(Nancy E):
They sound beautiful. 70 years is a very long time for any animal.

Player Elf Counsel
Player #21379861, We were holidaying west of. Melbourne and there was on on one of the park's clotheslines. A woman came out of the shop with some bacon and started feeding it. Finally she looked down at the bag and said.. Oh dear. I've just fed it my husband's breakfast!.

they are highly intelligent, playful and bond with other birds and human

They can also demolish parts of your timber house in an afternoon!! l went to work one day and came home to a destroyed wall and window sills. They love to chew on Oregon timber, think it sharpens their beaks. My sister had one as a pet for 30 years, it is used to swear like a sailor..LOL. There not my favourite bird anymore

:(Nancy E):, Tortoises can live a lot longer than that, but not many animals have a lifespan longer than 70 years. You are right.

I LOVE Cockies! I don't care if they're destructive, they're real characters!

Player Bengal Mama
:(Nancy E):, My sister's is about fourty now, an olive knapped mccaw with Lots of Blue and Red and Yellow

Saw them in Queensland, impressive birds

They also like to chew on leather. We had a pet who got out and into the landlords barn where he stored his newish golf cart. I’m glad my son is a motor trimmer because there wasn’t much left of the seat

Player #54255213
They are beautiful birds. Had the pleasure of getting a close up pic of one lodged on the roof of a walkrhrough arbour lane which was covered with vines & flowers.

Player #204043
They are incredibly noisy!