How many main apostles followed Jesus?

Correct answer: 12

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What people think about it: 12 Comments
Player #9442102
Player #9442102
Laudy Miss Claudy, of course the Vatican wouldn't consider a woman as a disciple. She changed her life and dedicated her life to Jesus. The Vatican thinks women are less than a man.And couldn't be important as a man.
Mars V
Mars V
Circa52, Unless you include Paul, apostle to the gentiles, also handpicked by Jesus.
Mike T
Mike T
Circa52, Yes, but not at the same time so maybe the question needs rewording. There were only 12 apostles at any one time.
Circa52, I agree
Player #25089089
Player #25089089
Circa52, ..but in the bible it was only 12 apostles mentioned
This answer is wrong. Matthias was the 13th apostle. Originally, there were two apostles named Judas; Judas son of James and Judas Iscariot. Matthias replaced Judas Iscariot. There were 13 Apostles.
Player #13286156
Player #13286156
Player #10759744, you ever been to the Middle East? Our skin is dark but we have straight hair
Player #3305800
Player #3305800
There's a difference between an apostle and a disciple; there were thousands of disciples in Jesus' day. Mary Magdalene was only one of them. The question is how many apostles. The 12 were hand picked by Jesus himself.
Player Flamenco girl
Player Flamenco girl
Uninitialized, the painting is a mockery of the last supper, I wouldn't take any information from it as being ANYTHING to do with the sacred last supper
Player Flamenco girl
Player Flamenco girl
Laudy Miss Claudy, Jesus is clear how important women are to him. read the Bible!!!
Laudy Miss Claudy, not snide...truthful. the Vatican would rather ordane Episcopalian ministers and married men whose wives have died than a woman. It would rather have churches without a priest than ordain a women. walk into a catholic and see how many more women there are than men..the Church will die out because of its refusal to treat women equally.
If you look closely attend the painting The Blast Supper, you will notice that the person next to Jesus on his right looks like a woman. anyway there may have been other women and there may have been more apostles. The Catholic Church has never given women an equal role. the Vatican is a religious "good ole boy"