Which is the correct numerical order of US Presidents shown in the picture from left to right?

Correct answer: 41st, 44th, 43rd, 42nd and 39th

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What people think about it: 8 Comments
That's a great photo!
Player: Coco
Player: Coco
Every one of these (dead or alive) is a better leader than 45.
Sasha Moon, the education given here is non-judgemental.hence educational,not political.lets be civil.
Mars V
Mars V
Player: Coco, He could be our next president, and he incited a riot that resulted in people being killed. He should be in the slammer!
Player #122519882
Player #122519882
Okie Razorback, I've learned not to read others comments makes life a whole lot easier.
Stone Cold Jane Austen, you are right I couldn’t have said it better.
Okie Razorback
Okie Razorback
Player #13173675, What does that have to do with the picture or question? Comments like that just ruin the game for me.
Jaguar JAC.
Jaguar JAC.
The best presidents till now; beautiful picture.