Which festival laid the foundation for the celebration of Halloween?
Correct answer: Samhain

Player #3955108
Actually the tradition of carving pumpkins also came from Ireland- we carved turnips. Pumpkins are just readily available in the US.

Player #8258475
Deirdre Quinn,
This David Wilkes is totally wrong - and not for the first time. Samhain was celebrated by Celts throughout Britain - not just in Ireland. The Scots also took their tradition over to America with them - including the name as Halloween is Scots for All Hallows Eve!

Player #13286156
but it was celebrated by the Celts, Briton's and Anglo Saxons throughout the British Isles so not an exclusively Irish festival.

Player #40078369
it was not just Irish Celts it was all Celts. especially the Scots. who were carving turnips before the Americans carved pumpkins

Trick-or-treating door to door by little kids in costumes is alive and well and living in Canada, not just the U.S.A. Most often, the youngest children are accompanied by a parent.

Jack, the famine was restricted to the potato crop, other crops were for export to England. The English landlords did not help the Irish by sharing those crops.

There was no famine. Plenty of food in Ireland but the English exported it and let the people die of hunger.

Player #35690279
Player #24220210, samhain is November in Irish

Point of Intrest: Samhain is pronounced Sow-an, not Sam Hain.

Wannabe Vulcan
KittyA9, as if I needed another reason to love Halloween!

Player #41118449, “your mom” was Irish, no need for “you’re” in this sentence😑

I had an aunt that used to say happy halloweenie

Gued Gooss
check your dates

Player #24220210
Samhain is also the Irish word for the month of October still in use...