In "The Lord of the Rings", what was Gollum's real name?

Correct answer: Sméagol

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Voiced by the amazing Andy Serkis, Gollum was one of the biggest anti hero’s in literature, a brilliant creation by Tolkien along with the Ents and Beorn and The Hobbits which of course was the race from which Gollum came.
Player #25874027
Player #25874027
Player #7106191, That is Golem
Yes, I'm a child of the sixties! I remember my English teacher reading the Hobbit when I was a sophomore in high school. Probably read The Hobbit & Trilogy half a dozen times in my life. Was very wary of watching Peter Jackson's version, but must say I was pleasantly surprised, except for the changes to the original story. Awesome job on LOTR!
Player #22876508
Player #22876508
I know this answer without seeing the movie😂