Which actress is in the picture?
Correct answer: Kate Beckinsale

Player #96919
Her father Richard Beckinsale starred in a lot of British comedys namely " Rising Damp" in the 70s before his untimely death in 1979 from a heart attack at the young age of 31

Her late father Richard was a greatly loved comedy actor. He was the perfect foil for Ronnie Barker in Porridge.
He died so young.

team edward cullen
I love Kate beckinsale in the underworld series

A very talented family I grew up watching her Dad in Rising Damp and porridge and remember her sister in Londons Burning, Underworld was an excellent franchise.

Player #8111997, Samantha was in London's Burning. They both look like their Dad.. he was so young when he died :(

Player #8111997, Samantha, I think

no idea. had to ask the majority

Player #8111997
She has also has a sister in the business

Player #1474571
Love love love cold comfort farm she was riveting in that movie ♥️♥️

She was terrific as the title character in my favorite version of Emma.