How many sons did Noah have?
Correct answer: Three
Player #18723294
Very interesting explanation. I’d not heard of the associations described here.
four sons, the three whom ride the arc with Noah and the fourth who refused and died in the flood
Mars V
Paris Tuesday, It’s called mythology. It’s a part of being human. There aren’t fairies.
God took care of maintaining peace among the animals.
Who built the Ark? Noah,Noah! The story has baffled me since I was a kid. How did Noah manage to keep the lions away from the antelopes and the tigers away from the sheep etc if you ask me he was the first human to be responsible for the extinction of several species of animal! 😝
Paris Tuesday
None! Because Noah is a fairy tale. And the ark didn't exist.
Mars V
Kiwozzie, Where are you getting this? Canaan was a son of Ham, and he didn’t drown. His descendants were the Canaanites.
It's a massive boat. A Ark. Must of been very smelly on the Ark with all those animals doing poos and wees.
Good story but 100% not true of course.
arrazi, It's an ark
Kiwozzie, May I ask where you got this information?
Player #18723294, never heard of it!!