How many scenes from the Book of Genesis did Michelangelo depict painting the Sistine Chapel ceiling?

Correct answer: Nine

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What people think about it: 4 Comments
Player #24358685
Player #24358685
You're told before entering that talking is not allowed--the sound can damage the artwork. As you enter, you are stunned--photos and videos do nothing for it! Eventually, you can't help but whisper to the person next to you, The entire room fills with chatter before three claps from the guard silences everyone--until you can't help but start whispering again. Our group got clapped three times! No one could help themselves. Truly one of the most awesome experiences of my life!
Player #8043966
Player #8043966
The Chapel was much smaller than I expected, but breathtakingly beautiful!
vikked, he was extremely gifted!!
Michelangelo was a great sculptor, and famously said "Every block of stone has a statue inside it and it is the task of the sculptor to discover it"!