Which animal nicknamed Jumbo was exported from Sudan to a zoo in Paris in the 19th century?
Correct answer: Elephant

Wonderland Fairy 8
swish, poor elephant he had to work for humans throughout his life and at the end died because of humans😣

Player #20296030
It’s sad that still today the African Elephant is still hunted for trade with many eastern countries as the Rhino and many other endangered species.

Cha Cha
Player #22609233, and being taken from his herd and natural habitat enduring long journeys and a life in cages 😔

swish, yes, in St. Thomas, Ontario. There is a life-sized statue of Jumbo there.

Player Ejag
Player #7106191, I also hate seeing animals caged, but moden-day zoos are becoming saviors of animals which face extinction in the wild. And I believe there is a movement to store the DNA of animals in this situation.

John London
majestic and hunted cruel world just cruel

Player #20296030, I agree with you.
It's disgusting that humans are allowed to hunt such gentle creatures.

Player #9495440
SusieQ1477, That's just 45 minutes from me. The statue is beautiful. I just wish he hadn't been hit by a train. He was trying to save a small, younger elephant.

Player #10639782
yes. jumbo died by being hit by a train just outside st Thomas Ontario. there is a statue of him on the hill when you drive into st Thomas. I live in London ontario so I've seen the statue many times. very sad story.

Player #27612908
love elephant s🐘so much.

little b
i love 💕 elephants

Ahmed Abuobeida Saad
I am Sudanese.. first time to know this!

Never heard of that, but I just had a feeling something about jumbo was an elephant

helmi, not that elephants and other animals weren't being poached in Africa as well,smh

Anushka Tiwari
in every circle name is Jumbo

Others agree. What has the animal done to be imprisoned in a zoo for life? Then humans come by and stare at them. I saw baboons slinging feces at the spectators. If any endangered species are being helped, then let the other animals go home.

Wonderland Fairy 8, Quandaledingle

This question reminded me of a poem we were taught in kindergarten.
Jumbo is an elephant,
The biggest among creation,
A thousand tins of water,
Is never enough for Jumbo,
Those were fun times.

Sudani in UAE
Many Sudanese don't know the story

Player Ejag, I hope that animals DNA is being stored to prevent mass extinctions from happening. Humans are the worst animal on this planet.

Player Ejag, cmon man

Elephants do not belong in zoos or circuses. Our Melbourne zoo has gone to a huge amount of effort and expense to develop the best possible enclosure for the Indian elephants, but still we see them rocking to and fro and looking depressed. Maybe in an open range zoo they would be happier, but it seems to me that they are too large and too intelligent an animal to ever be humanely kept in captivity.

jeremy, that probably because Africa is a continent and not a country

Bestie lover
SusieQ1477, i study in st Thomas boys school

Bestie lover
swish, how do you know that

Wonderland Fairy 8, sad

it is also a film

this answer is solve me

Player #20296030, missed up how people treat animals.

swish, how sad people are uncaring

The find my name's Dayton.

Wonderland Fairy 8, ya..... poor elephant... 😞

Some people can't stop stealing it's their tradition 😑

swish, what the thuck

Wonderland Fairy 8, not really humans to be blame, as most humans aren't like that. to be precise, the french, english and americans did that to jumbo

it is very sad for treating animals like this , we shouldn't go to see animals in circus therefore we should help them

Player #81241561
bts win in exo for txt

It sounds like Dumbo so I pressed Elephant

Anita Roy
circus events should be banned end of they are cruel and barbaric. animals taken from their natural habitat to entertain humans. well I would never entertain one.

people are always exploiting these wild animals. they move them around out of their habitat and treat them like trash. then they wonder why they die. if something isn't done to end this the animals will be e tinxt. I'm sure a lot of them are because of poaching.