Which great scientist designed the Wardenclyffe Tower (pictured)?
Correct answer: Nikola Tesla

This is only scratching the surface of Tesla's genius

Why do you think Elon Musk named his company after a genius in the field of electrical energy

Player #38532062
I live near here. This guy was a genius!!!

BioMass 9000
Bowie played Tesla in a film

he died in poverty. A sad end for a genius.

Player #38532062, in Shoreham on Long Island? My dad worked on the long defunct Nuclear Power Plant.

⚜️Faruk ⚜️
I’m pretty sure that this question wrote a Serb guy, cause only People from Balkans use prefixes Serb, Croat etc. for everything. Nikola Tesla is born in a today Croatia.

Tesla was indeed a driven genius who has never been given the credit n fame for the A/C discovery & Thanks for the great idea that conceptually is the Internet today! Tesla you are the Man not Edison!! 😎

Arohanui, they were to conduct electricity threw the air Linda his take on the pyramids

Player Bengal Mama
BioMass 9000, A very good film.

BioMass 9000, The Prestige, great film

[bobbo16], Tesla invented the light bulb,but, Edison got all the credit!! zWhat a shame it was!!