Where is the Great Sphinx statue?
Correct answer: Egypt

Player #96919
Player Elf Council, My dear dad, God rest him was stationed in Egypt in the 1940s whilst in the army and my family have lots of photos of him in the valley of the kings

Mankind never ceases to amaze! The ingenuity of our ancestors shows how superior man is as a species.

I live in Egypt, this one was pretty easy for me 😊

Player #33060854
Visited the sphinx back in 1995 when I was in the military. It was an amazing experience

Player Elf Council
Veni Vidi 1000, Been there. I loved Egypt. Went for a cruise down the Nile anf by the end of it I was all temples out

Player #25874027
Player #4250921,
If you destroy anything built by slaves ( which is pretty much everything still standing over 1000 years old ) , surely you invalidate that slave’s life , not their status

Player #35301407
There are very plausible suggestions that the Sphinx is in fact much, much older. Maybe 10,000 or more years old. The reasons for this include weathering suggestive of sustained heavy rainfall, which would have last happened in that area around the end of the last ice age - about 11,000 years ago - and also the fact that at that same time the Sphinx (orginally a lion) would have been facing the constellation Leo, not Tarus as I believe it does today.

if only Obelix didn't destroy the nose when Asterix and him helped build the pyramids :(

It's sooo old it has signs of rain erosion meaning it's thousands of years old from when Egypt was rainy.

Player #13286156
and just as amazing to my mind is that when it was believed to be carved

According to Egyptian mythology, the Sphinx had the body of a lion and the head of an EAGLE. This structure has the body of a lion and the head of a MAN with a Pharonic Headdress, making it an ANDROSPHINX. Why do people give a misnomer to this ancient altar of the Egyptian religion? It's extremely disrespectful to the culture and its history. Call it what it's supposed to be called.

Player #41196679
Player #25874027, Actually the builders were paid to do it and they weren't slaves. Go on, vandalize every monument built by humanity.

Egypt is a full of history

Dinela Ličina@1234
ich nich spreche !

Cool boy im chill
It was easy

I'm proud that I'm Egyptian, and I respect the others countries

Ivan, Wait rlly?Didn't know that lol! #Newfact #Smart

My home country ❤️❤️❤️

it's great 👍

Just a wild guess and It turns out correct. I really Love this game so much

Player #145106978
Gamernator.GX, The Great Sphinx was originally a lioness watching the star Sirius,800000 years ago when she was built.

Player #145106978
Ivan, HAHAHAHAHA,Getafix probably could have helped.

Player #145106978
Player #35301407, Two scientists frpm the Ukraine studied the Great Sphinx,& discovered that it is actually 800000 years old.

ﺎﻟﻤﺬﻫﻠﺔ ﺎﻟﺮﻫﻴﺒﺔ
جعغ و

Really love go there someday and see the life there, I’am so interested in the past of the Pharaoh’s and Queens. I had a great grandfather whom I was told fought under the great Lawrence of Arabia and he might have been in Egypt as well Thank you …!

আপনাকে স্বাগতম


I gave a thumps

love Egypt always wanted to go there and will one day 💙 ❤

Player #145258897
Liverpool is anyone TRADING standards and the best way of doing things are looking for me

Player #145258897
assessed a nuk at your

Tony, also for others

Queen Esther
I love ancient Egyptian history!!!!! I wish I was alive in the bible and I would live in egypt!

When the question appears, try to read the question without looking at the picture. This will help remembering the knowledge you’ve gathered. When you are asked these questions you won’t get help, if you can’t think of the answer then it would be the time for you to see the picture. This will help you remember a lot more I love this app!

Lil Zebra
Chelsea Peck

I like history so this was easy

Cat Memes
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezey

I love to learn about Egypt did you know they used to always where makeup because they thought it would protect them from demons

I like to visit Egypt 🇪🇬 one day to ride on any dromedary camel 🐪 and explore around to see mummies, pharaohs, obelisks, pyramids, Aswan Dam, Great Sphinx and even the Nile River.

I love ancient history!♥️

mr man
Tanya I think it sneezed to hard and it came off

rubber duck
the way that the picture was basically all yellow and blue gave off the answer but I already knew it.

im timeless, timeless, timeless, timeless, timeless