Awareness of which disease was encouraged by the Ice Bucket Challenge that went viral in 2014?
Correct answer: Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

Player Sherry
wow! that's a lot of money! good job for a worthy cause!

Sheri Mccall
Marlene Nickey Brecht, I'm so sorry for your loss.

Marlene Nickey Brecht, I'm so sorry. ⚘

Marlene Nickey Brecht, So very sorry 😞

Although my father did not have ALS, he had something similar; primary lateral sclerosis with supranucleur palsy. It's progress is slower and longer than ALS. He spent the last few years of his life in a loving care home. Love ya daddy.

This what the magnificent Professor Stephen Hawkng suffered from, and triumphed over, to become one of the greatest scientific minds of our age. aR.I.P.

Player #69537084, Purple kitty, good job

I still don't understand what the challenge has to do with the desease

the football coaches have a cooler of ice cold gatorade dumped on them after their team wins a big game and they don't get paid extra for it. Why would people do this? I don't understand. I also don't get those walkathon fundraisers where people walk in a race type thing in order to spread awareness for something that has absolutely no correlation to walking. I really don't get it.

hur y7fyytdghhyjgchihuh

I was born in 2014

Parvathy 2012
Stephen Hawking, the world famous scientist who discovered black holes, had this disease, leading to complete paralysis. He had to use a speech-generating device attached to a single cheek muscle to speak.

TaeGuk Kweenie
I wonder how many votes athlete's foot got so far ...

such a horrible disease my sister in laws brother had it unfortunately he passed away

Player #69537084
Purple Kitty, good job

I never knew a disease was the reason this challenge got viral, i always thought it was viral because people would do anything for views and stuff

Player #49986886
Purple Kitty, Is say you made a very wise decision!