Which of these four cities is located on the largest island in the Mediterranean Sea?
Correct answer: Catania

Player #33161631
Thank you for a great explanation of all the answers

Player #16762642
mom was born there on this day in 1912

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Player #33161631, Absolutely! Very few explain all of the possible answers to the question. It is refreshing when they do occur.

Good question, great answer.

Byrde Alpha Bitch
Arohanui, If that place is in your heart, it becomes the foundation for your life, you will always stay regardless of any disaster. Several places around the world, the people have this dedication, perseverance & commitment to rebuild & stay.

My daughter lived on La Maddelena...right between Corsica and Sardinia. US Navy has a base there. it is breathtakingly beautiful...and the food. Go to Italy if ever you can.