What is the largest living Mammal?
Correct answer: Blue whale

I looked it up. I was surprised to find, not only is the blue whale the largest living animal now ... It is said to be bigger than any dinosaur ever found to this date.

I like how they use vw beetles as a measurement thingy

what beautiful majestic animals, in Australia we are lucky to see whales frequently. If we dont STOP JAPANESE SLAUGHTER ALL WHALES & DOLPHINS for food and NOT RESEARCH ......WE WILL LOOSE ALL OF OUR WHALES ....... FOR GOOD. (Watch Original STAR TREK MOVIE re 2 whales it could happen - u never know - ask George and Gracie!!!!)

that's big!

all I can say is wow

larger than all the rest combined x10.. and paradoxically.. they eat only microscopic plankton.. nature is strange.. and wonderful

Player #23041419
Ruby, I like the word that you use for a measuring device...

in this beautiful country where you can be anything you want to be.. be nice

MoodyRider40322, name one creature that is bigger than the blue whale

genuinely lovely to find a question the "UnWiseWoman" hasn't been pontificating upon... Maybe she's not had this one yet....

Ruby, that’s a lot of beetles
Megalodon wee

😲Thank God I didn't have to birth one of those babies!! Whew.. 🙂

Jean Louise
IntransigentBug77823, Interesting. I recently discussed with some friends some of the science fiction films we watched growing up. The ideas seemed great for movie making, but we never thought of them as prophetic. eg. Terminator and Technology control over humanity.

I tapped elephant

Abbas Moha
RIP for those who answered ‘elephant’.

Player #48361858
how many thousands of pounds does a blue whale consume and is that daily or every couple days?

Player #46115638
Player #42428425, yes they do. it's revolting and disgusting.

Player #46115638
IntransigentBug77823, it makes me sick what they do to the whales and everything else they touch is destroyed.

Player #35387966
I have always enjoyed asking that question and most people just have an answer that says the African elephant is the largest mammal. I hope to be able to see the awesome blue whale up close when I visit the state of Washington.

Player #28279092
You got me; I said 🐘 elephant.
I was thinking the largest CUDDLY mammal.

wow! so next time i see a VW beetle i will think of a blue whale and its heart 💙

lolita413, quite miNd boggling then isn't it, I mean the diplodocus was huge among donasaurs

Player #42428425
IntransigentBug77823, Japanese and Chinese eat everything even golden retrievers are not spared.

I have learned that it was blue whale, but then I saw the picture first and without a thought I looked for elephant in the choices and ta da! 😆

now I know why it feels like am riding whale 🐳 in my tiny beetle 🪲

And yet spectacularly hard to locate, very rarely seen.... 🐳

Tony p, I think the whale shark is the largest fish, blue whale is largest mammal.

Lord Riannosad
gamehappy0728, yes they endangered, with a population of only 25000 left in the world.

Largest living thing to ever have lived 👍

the Blue Whales' heart is so big, a man can pass through it.

Player #25874027
I think for most players a VW Beetle is slightly more tangible than an African Bush Elephant.

Player #25874027
Name them

That's one big fishy to catch! lol

lolita413, yep. largest animal ever !

Player #23645392
gamehappy0728, I think so

Player #15356356, Yes, it is truly amazing isn't it.

Frog, a VWB is a fairly average sized car.

Ruby, I think that's because most of us can imagine a VW Beetle, but to say something weighed so many kilograms doesn't have the same effect.