How is the image of death often portrayed in culture?
Correct answer: As a skeleton wielding a scythe

Player #8090092
The late Sir Terry Pratchett, in his Discworld series, featured Death in many of his stories. His version, in addition to the black Cape and scythe, and brilliant blue eyes. He road a pale horse, called Binky and was helped by a servant called Albert. He had an adopted granddaughter called Susan. He had a fondness for Curry and spoke in Capitals as in "I COULD MURDER A CURRY".

new info for me.thanks

Tom, that's how I remember him!

Player #8090092, sounds like fun, have never read any of the books. maybe I'll give them a go

Dr Death

more often it is a hooded robe, with no visible character inside, holding a scythe.

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