What is the name of the famous financial street in New York?
Correct answer: Wall Street

PlayDollHouse, its much different inviting immigrants when your trying to build a nation and another when your trying to sustain one. we need to fix the issues for those that are here now before we solve other countries problems

Player #12334000
Player #7719043, If you aren't native American you Are an immigrant.

Dr Funkfunk
PlayDollHouse, ah, yes but LEGAL immigrants. Build that wall.

PlayDollHouse, no we are not all immigrants

Nerak 7
Interesting. I wonder how many traders are working there today….

Are aliens immigrants?

UndercoverKey2606, it's YOU'RE.

I was there in '86


Nate Sanders
Player #7719043, There's actually more native people of indigenous heritage alive now then during the pilgrims landing at plymouth rock. Native weren't simply killed off. Your little narrative isnt historical at all. The tribes that were found had a terribly low birth rate and extremely high death rate combined with mostly hunter gatherer populations numbered mostly in the hundreds for MOST TRIBES!

Player #25874027
Player #23703989,
From what I can see the Jay Treaty was intended to prevent war between the newly independent colony and the British .
No treaty made with British would allow Americans to kill and plunder the lands of the indigenous population

Player Gigi #28446253
Linda444, why skip a question?

Player #32567393
Player #7719043,
Cozzy 25,
Disgusting, isn’t it? I’m Australian & ashamed of what the white man did to the Aborigines. So glad I’m half English & half Cypriot.

Player #23703989
Check the John Jay Treaty 1 of the only Treaty adhered by the gov

Player #23703989
Player #7719043, there is one Treaty the government adheres to. The John Jay Treaty. Look it up.

Ideal Gamer
oh I guess I didn't 3

The wolf of Wall Street

The 'Waal', like the 'Maas', is a river in the Netherlands, the original street was named after that.

Player #2331803
Walll Street was where the Dutch built a wall.

Sam I am!
elizabeth bennett, I have read the statistics. Immigrants are more law abiding than native borne Americans. You're not the only surprised one! Also, when we think of immigrants, a wall will not keep most people out. Most of the people coming into the U.S. are visa overstays from Asia, not Central America.

just on the off chance someone in the control booth reads these things, I would like the answer to any skipped question, too. I don't, often, but once in a while.

I have a picture of me trying to bull the bull down by the horns!! I'm a Taurus. love that Bull!

the name is a clue