Which US TV series featured the main character blasting bullets super fast from a weapon in the opening scene?
Correct answer: The Rifleman

Player #11177133, Loved that show...good old-fashioned values!

Queen Yolanda 👑✨
Love this show,one of my favorites 👍☺️

"super fast"?
The bullets? Or the gunman fired rapidly?
He pumped/fired the rifle 8 or 10 times (a full load) but a few more shots are dubbed in.

In about 1962, my patents bought me a Rifle man toy rifle. I was only seven, and a GIRL!!! I think I had a crush on Mark... lol

Puma Girl
I'm still watching the show

Player Bengal Mama, a very good looking man.

Lucas McCain was a Baaaaaddd Aaaassss with that rifle

Player #66817220
TestyAlien3443, I think we see 12 shots, but hear 13.

Player Bengal Mama
Chuck always looked mean to me. Had a wolfish stare and jutted his jaw out. Gave me the chills.

My Dad watched the rifleman episodes,all of them,and I really miss my Dad.

Player #12121185
Cookie Bean, hmmm never saw Lucas McCain as a child but I’ll bet he was a cute one. LOL
No offense intended, just trying to be funny.

Player #34641139
TestyAlien3443, I think we saw 12 shots and heard 13, or something.

it's still aired on the friendly network. lots of that kind of show is there

Player #11177133, remember this all too well!!