What is the speed of light in miles per second?
Correct answer: 186,282

Wow! That is fast! Can't even imagine this one. Great explanation!

Player #19719147
I still have a hard time comprehending the speed of light thing. Light we see from stars is thousands of years old and the star may have long since disappeared? My mind can't grasp it.

Player #749483,
I prefer when both Imperial and Metric is given in the questions and answers but now this question was specific so no-one can complain.

Player #93460997
Read, The Jaunt, a short story by Stephen King and this type of thing .

Mars V
That is really bookin!

R+T#1/2 o+b#45/46
It was said that Cool Papa Bell was so fast, he could turn the overhead light off and be in bed before the room got dark.

Player #52076701
I only know it's 3x10 to power of 9 m/s from physics lessons.

Player #19719147, Nobody's mind can grasp the speed of light and how far other stars and galaxies are from us.

Player #33517988
since light can be bent is the inside bend light going slower or outside light going faster?

Player #25874027
Player #19719147,
The light from a star is thousands of years old and we can still see it.
So if I am in a closed room with an electric light and I switch it off , why does the light disappear instantly instead of bouncing around forever?

I knew the speed per second, but had never worked out what that was per hour, and that figure is truly mind blowing.

Player #3598663
Player #19719147, I missed that day of class. 😆