What is in the picture?
Correct answer: Plague doctor

I wonder how many of the doctors got the plague themselves.

This garment and subsequent items is seen were futile and I thank you QuizzLand for your thorough explanation of where this
Came from
The main aspect to the Plague
Rats and the port cities throughout the world acted as a spawning points of the transmission of this insidious disease

I always wondered why the beak! Thanks, QuizzLand!

KittyA9, yes these things are good for health, but I don't think they really helped with the plague

Dayrell, do not belittle the healing power of Herbs and plants, plus honey

they would stuff the nose piece with spices? wouldn't that severely affect the doctors?

Cap’n Patch, Uh, Europe isn’t a country.

Lionessa, kind of like the “America Made Great Again” of today.

Dayrell, Also MAGAts on the rotting corpses spread lies and pestilence.

very interesting I didn't know that it would be that definition. it looks really evil

I have seen this picture before but I didn’t know what it was. Got lucky with a semi-educated guess.

I learn a lot of things by playing this game! 😜

SAINT , The word "quack" comes from the Dutch word kwakzalver, which means a purveyor of fake medical remedies.

Avoiding plague was more a matter of luck than anything else. Plague was carried by rats and the fleas they carried. Both creatures bite humans. Additionally, the Plague bacteria, yersinia pestis, is also carried by lice. The bite and the feces of the louse are infectious, and they can become infected from clothing and bedding of infected people. As if this wasn't enough, if a cat is infected, by a bite or by eating an infected animal, the cat will get plague and show symptoms remarkably like human infection. So they weren't a lot of help at fighting the rat population. It was a filthy, inhumane world.

Cap’n Patch
Goblin, The potato plague came from the United States, travelled across the big pond to Europe where it started. The countries hardest hit were Russia, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Europe. In Ireland, the British replaced the Irish farmers with Scotch-Irish farmers and the Irish farmers were put in poor houses’ to work of their debts. Most of the time , they just died from starvation or disease. Sick houses were built along roads with deep pits behind them. When a person died, they just pushed them down a slide into the pit until it was full. Then they’d fill it up with dirt and move the house further down the road. Now when a farmer tills his field and pulls up human remains, they stop and dig the pit up. Even after almost 200 years, the British government won’t say they’re sorry for what happened. Such a waste of human life. All those kids…..

blah blah blah
Goblin, me too!

Megan, What a dunce!

Too bad medical science had NO answers back then. Only hope was mostlyto avoid other people,rats a d fleas.

jeremy, try reading a book

Player #31753367
Would have been a Very Busy chap in the last few years. Did he get a performance bonus ?

Player #9880587

Player #25874027
Thought he based his nightwear on it