What is the only palindrome band to have a palindrome hit?
Correct answer: ABBA

Player #14993519.
Wow,,,always loved their music 🎶.

A man, a plan, a canal, Panama.

I dig their tunes.

Why is the word "Palindrome" not a Palindrome?

Player #9068409
my favorite group

new info for me.thanks

little b
i love ABBA

Mars V
Jonesy, Because backwards it’s emordnilap.

Player #118382186
A Christian isn't supposed to yearn for the past. Be honest; a human, for some reason, often get into appealing songs of their youth and this talented bunch fitted and fits that bill for me.

Player #12879186
JellyBaker, None of those are right Jellybaker

Jonesy, because a palindrome is a word or sentence that is spelt the same forwards and backwards..i.e, mum , do geese see god. There are many others.

Fifi Sam
Player #9068409, I love ABBA! Their songs are so evergreen! It was nice to see all of them together again!

i am a big Abba Fan

Jonesy, same reason "phonetic" isn't spelled fonetik,
and "abbreviation" should be shortened

Jonesy, You wrote the both words same.

Player #13075987
One of my all time favorite groups