According to the Book of Genesis, what was used for the creation of Eve?
Correct answer: Adam's rib

Laudy Miss Claudy
So it was actually all Adam's fault because he didn't tell Eve that Management didn't want them to eat from that fruit tree...and of course when Management found out about the infraction Adam quickly blamed Eve.

Player #22021355
Eve DID know the law before she disobeyed as she explained it all to the devil when he asked her, see Genesis 3:1~6

.... and that's where all the trouble started.... 😅

Let's Go Brandon!
God created man then rested. He created woman and no one has rested since, lol

Laudy Miss Claudy, actually management blamed Adam, Adam blames Eve, Eva blamed the serpent and the serpent didn't have a leg to stand on.

I heard there were two stories. In the first, it said "and God created man in his own image; male and female he created them " And then there is the rib story

ElJavron619, Especially not the women: "A man may work from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done."

she was flesh is his flesh and bone of his bone

I’ve read Genesis a few times! I’m familiar with how eve is made for sure haha!

Allye Yaya, not so, I pray for your eyes to be opened!

Rodrigo, so she would be bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh, it's in the Bible, she's called woman, because she came from the man, last 3 letters...

Farrell, agreed

Farrell, true

Mari, it's one story, just not in chronological order, as many of us would like it to be!

read 1st part of the question. according to the "book" that's all it is. just a story book

respect the fact he gave up his rib!! could have been worse 😔

Clepaurob, 😂

Mel Hudd
Laudy Miss Claudy, actually he blamed Yahweh or Jehovah for giving him the women. Gen. 3:12

Player #117378183
Farrell, you’re close

Kevin, If God can create a man from dirt and give him life then he would have no problem creating a woman from a man's rib.

Player mj88, Not fiction, just some are deceived and will not believe, therefore they will be held accountable

Fanie, all 3 were held accountable

Allye Yaya, No fairy tale at all. True story, it's just that some will not believe therefore they will perish. plain and simple.

Clepaurob, When the serpent tempted eve, he walked upright on two legs. God's curse on the serpent was he was forever to crawl upon his belly.

Rodrigo, God does everything for a purpose. he made eve from Adams rib. therefore Adam was who protector her provider.

Stanley R.Camiguin , who said it was an apple

Laudy Miss Claudy, Adam told Eve what God had said. Eve was deceived by the serpent but Adam ate willingly. He knew that was the only way Eve could be saved. they all blamed each other

Let's Go Brandon!, 😅🤣😪

Was not enough dust back them for god to make Eve too? why he had to remove poor Adam's rib😏

Allye Yaya
The greatest fairytale on earth.

Sinbad 1976, in Islam they are both held accountable

Elaine King
Flying spaghetti monster

Player #20461174
Laudy Miss Claudy, that's not actually true... I myself am Catholic an have heard the creation story more times then I can count, both Adam and eve knew the rules both Adam and eve made the choice to eat the forbidden fruit (though to be fair eve was being talking in to it by the devil ) so its not really Adams fault in fact it was eve who gave the fruit to him in the first place! though every one is responsible for his/her own actions its not "Adams fault" because they BOTH knew the rules.

Player #2988451
StoopieD, God gave Adam and Eve free choice. God isn't a dictator. He wants us to want to obey.