What type of establishment is the setting for the Agatha Christie's play "The Mousetrap"?
Correct answer: Gusethouse

Player #23106159
a gusethouse. Very careless.

Pricilla William
The spelling of guest is incorrect and hence choosing that option didn’t seem right.

Have tobe careful in Gusethouses...

'Spell check' people

Player #37065801
I think you mean GUESThouse!

Happy 2025!
I love gusets - especially when served with roasted chlis and gravy 😂

to err is human to forgive is devine

Mars V
They never said what a gusethouse is.

Quizzoneer FfF
Player #23106159, 😉 to err is ...

Played the kids game "mousetrap" with my kids. Hours of fun.

Lou Lou
Pricilla William, absolutely agree. I thought the answer was guesthouse, but since that word was misspelled I assumed I was wrong and chose another answer, and of course, I was wrong indeed, …mad!

spelling of guest in answer