What do the letters "CC" at the bottom of a letter stand for?
Correct answer: Carbon copies

Player Say what!?
Boy, does THIS bring back long forgotten memories. If user is not careful, you get carbon smudges on your face and clothes.

It seems not so long ago that fax machines and pagers were the in things. I wonder how many young people, who have only known computers, realise that the layout of the keyboard is exactly the same as old typewriters?

Now “Courtesy Copy”

Tina M.
Computers have really simplified things!

Miss Sue
Shorthand was great. It got so that if you did it enough it was pretty much your own written language.

Miss Sue
Anyone remember memeogragh machines? I used to love smell of the ink.

Calabtangan' Boyoyong
Tina M., true, we now have cc, bcc in emails.

Does anyone remember writing and translating shorthand lt was like a whole different language that only receptionist knew and understood