What is the name of the frontman of the rock/blues group 'Double Trouble'?
Correct answer: Stevie Ray Vaughan

Byrde Alpha Bitch
R.I.P. (Rock In Paradise) S.R.V. Another taken far too soon.

1 of the best guitar player i ever seen

Player #14135463
we love u stevie
awesome guitar player and his voice unforgotten

Player #25053423 thing1
eric Clapton gave up his seat to him!

Player #113165
saw this great man in a small club in Boston Mass he was mesmerizing

Long live STEVIE RAY!!!!!

I've seen all of them play live

That’s what we called my sisters twin boys double trouble

Jonnie#08, heard him way up here in anchak.2k'ul

I didnt even know he was dead!! Such a sad way to go!! i have 4 of his c.d.'s and he rocked!! RIP, my friend!!