What is known as the Bogside Massacre?
Correct answer: A slaughter of protesters in Northern Ireland.

Player #96919
luckycatfay, most wars going back centuries have all been down to religion in some form and sadly will continue to

Player #13873947
I find it sad that so many people blame indigenous people for fighting against a foreign power invading their lands. What would you do if your country was invaded by a hostile nation tomorrow?

RagingCosmonaut54784, History can’t be undone that’s why it’s called history things need to move on in life

Byrde Alpha Bitch
vegan, Most Early Americans were British that chose a better way of life. Rebels to the end, defiant, proud & strong willed!

the U2 song Sunday Bloody Sunday is about this

Player #4864588, I'm half Irish and you don't understand the complexity of the matter most brits as you put it would gladly give Ireland back to Ireland but half the Irish population don't want this and fight among themselves.

vegan, I'm in no way condoning this but at the time the IRA terrorists were bombing England constantly then nipping back to Ireland and pleading innocent the troubles were very heightened it was a scarry time I remember the Birmingham pub bombings well.

ZyggyStardust, more to do with organised crime know your history most Irish families were too terrified to speak out. I have English father Irish mother.

Player #13286156
Player #4864588, The British went in to protect the Catholics, the IRA wanted Northern Ireland to be part of the Counties but the majority of the Northern Irish wanted to remain part of the UK. Do you suggest that the 97% of us who wanted to remain should have been forced against our will to become part of a Catholic majority country who hated us?

* Seshati *
I watch documentaries The Ballymurphy massacre & The Miami band massacre & saw enough to make me cry tears of grief for how innocent people lost their lives. While I agree a little with luckycatfay I have to say with the little I know the fight has been going on for many many years. There’s no excuse for what the British did to the Irish & the scots or the indigenous peoples of Australia or the USA. Brutal it was once explained to me that they learned from the best bruts the art of heartless warfare to conquer & divide without remorse, the Romans.

Miss Tramp
luckycatfay, not terrorists freedom fighters

Player #96919, tell that to Hitler and Stalin and Lenin. Those 3 together probably killed more people than all the so-called religious wars combined. Most of the wars you would call religious wars weren’t really about religion or faith but about power

People love killing in the name of God. Still do. Thou shall not kill must have been a typo.

this is why u2 have that song "Sunday bloody Sunday"

Player #13286156, and yet Churchill couldn't get your friends in the USA into WW2 fast enough...

luckycatfay, catholics and protestants, Shia and Sunni, sectarian violence affect everybody and innocents are suffering all over the globe because of religion.

Player #13286156, without USA all Europe would be speaking German!

The British have always invaded and doing the indigenous people wrong, weather it's in Europe, Asia, America and elsewhere. I moved to Northern Ireland some 20 years ago and I saw the parade they had every year to celebrate William of Orange around the 14th of July and it saddens me that people still do it and you see little kids walk in the front with the baton and swirl it to the beat of the music and they have no idea it is all about. The next day every one is friends again. Of the younger generation no one cares about religion anymore. We don't care this goes back some 300 years to celebrate some eejit who thought catholics aren't worth to live.

Player #96919, actually you will find it has a political agenda, it all based on power, religion is nothing more than a vehicle. But I don’t expect many 11 year olds to understand that.

Player #31653919
Player #96919, it wasn't about religon

Player #31653919
Uninitialized, john hume wanted equal rights for Catholics housing and jobs the rest is history

Player #13286156
Old man X, because of Americas great record on human rights. Murdering innocent civilians in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, before that Vietnam and Korea or earlier still the Philippines and native Americans. or how about the murder of African Americans? Or how about funding terrorists to kill innocent civilians in Ireland because most of the deaths were of Protestant's by the IRA? yes great record mate and something for you to be proud of. Oh and don't forget how the British abolished slavery all over the Empire in 1837 while you lot were and are still trying to keep it.

Player Billynomates
luckycatfay, bloody Sunday was years before any bombing campaign. Massacres like bloody Sunday led to the terrorist attacks

Player Flamenco girl
Player #16621308, I have God on my side. I pray you find him too