Just prior to entering Wimbledon’s Centre Court players pass beneath 2 lines of poetry written by whom?

Correct answer: Joseph Rudyard Kipling

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What people think about it: 5 Comments
Rajeev Agrawal
Rajeev Agrawal
Rudyard Kipling is a great poet of English literature. His poetry is fantastic really. If titled poem is so inspiring. He is immortal for ever in the world of English literature.
If you can bear to hear the truth you’ve spoken twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Player Teresa611
Player Teresa611
It’s a pity some tennis players don’t follow Kipling’s precept. The lack of good sportsmanship in tennis these days is deplorable.
Didn't know the answer so I guessed Tennyson 😆
lui O.
lui O.
Also wrote " The Whitemen's Burden"