Which Milton Bradley game was originally called "Pretzel"?
Correct answer: Twister

smarty pants
be careful with the the spinner, attached to the square board. l asked my then, 5 year old nephew to hand it to me. instead of handing it to me, he threw it at my eye. the hard cardboard gave me a black eye. l called in sick from work for 3 days. when l went back my eye was still bruised. most people at work didn't believe what happened. they thought l was the victim of domestic abuse. l was so embarrassed that l wore sunglasses until it cleared up.

smarty pants, called in sick for three day because of black eye. Wow

toe jam
smarty pants, l feel sorry for you. my handyman was installing a shower in my house, when all of a sudden I heard a noise. when he came out of the bathroom he had a black and eye. he looked embarrassed, so I didn't question him.