Paper is mostly made of which material?
Correct answer: Wood

Laudy Miss Claudy
Does anyone remember when they told us to stop using paper grocery bags and use plastic bags in order to "save the trees"? Then they told us to stop using plastic grocery bags because they're pilling up in landfills and killing marine life. Now when you go to the grocery store the no longer bag your groceries but you can buy your own plastic bags for a nickel a piece at the check out stand.

Cha Cha
Player #7719043, Responsible Forrestry Management is a good practice, using trees, that have served their purpose in nature and replacing them with young saplings which absorb more carbon

paper wasn't made from woodpulp until the 1880s or so. Much better paper is made from hemp, linen, cotton, rice stalks, etc

nice owl
Well, I think paper is better than plastic

I watched them make it once in Colonial Williamsburg.

Laudy Miss Claudy, a dime a piece in California. washable cloth or woven baskets are best.

Player #28470503
Laudy Miss Claudy,

Mars V
In Oregon, most stores use paper sacks for a nickel or you bring your own canvas. And there are trees everywhere.

my teacher always say it to us (student) because we always waste our paper, HAHAHAHA

Hanoj, paper doesn't have to be made from trees. An excellent source for paper is hemp. Hemp is sustainable, grows quickly, and has a much smaller footprint then trees or even cotton. Also, paper is extremely recyclable.

dog lover ❤️❤️
honestly didn't evryone learn that in like year 2 .In are school are teacher always says do not use paper use a computer yet whenever we have to do a test she has soooo many blank pages on them !!!!

codina squad
papper from wood. That professional

I thought it was leaves

to save earth
use reusable bags made of fabric or plastics
the destroy our home

Paper and wood is much less pollution for us.

Paper is better than plastic at least it will reduced wastes.

Such a shame that so many forest have been destroyed :(

i losed at this

Player #71951181
so bad 😅

It said m o s t l y made of paper, which makes me a little suspicious...

Christmas Joy Girl
You learn something new everyday

Glänzendmir2825✨, I agree

Kim, yes I know because I am a Indian

Ok I watched so many documentarys about stuff that now I'm full of smartest stuff so yeah I knew it was wood
my name is jaywel

Those other options are just...Very silly. 🙄

shafiqah lisa 🌹😘💞
I don't like when they use wood because it comes from trees if not enough trees the air won't be good


Player #51796180
noooo it doesn't 😠😡

sana Rithick
nice Xin Neha

Maryam Murtaza
nice owl, Me too❤️

Maryam Murtaza
Arohanui, Your right 😁😁

I just thought the stamped wood and then coloured the sheet of paper. Though I knew they used chemicals.

we should all know that I don't like it when people waste paper 😒

I was doing wood only but it happened plastic 😅