Who created this amazing sculpture, "The Veiled Virgin?"

Correct answer: Giovanni Strazza

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What people think about it: 12 Comments
Player #96919
Player #96919
Pimpao +, Absolutely beautiful, what a masterpiece
never thought much about sculpture until I saw that picture. that's absolutely amazing. that sculptor is a genius
I've always been more interested in paintings than sculpture and I'm not a religious person but that is absolutely stunning!!
Roberta Ann
Roberta Ann
After seeing the sculpture in the movie "Pride and Prejudice" starring Keira Knightley, I bought a copy of the sculpture and have it in my Family Room. It's so beautiful!! ❤
Player #1137636
Player #1137636
....and I thought was hard enough just to Draw sheer, draped fabric!!
Sivakami M
Sivakami M
wow!!!what an amazing statue!!!
Satya Tang
Satya Tang
Vijayanarasimha M.R., you can such sculpture in Salarjung Museum in Hyderabad, TS, India. Not only the face behind the veil you can see the nails behind the cloth covering it. Beauty unmatched.
Guillermo Jr.
Guillermo Jr.
Veiled Virgin was the name of my sister's all-girl thrash punk garage band in 1979 inspired by the Ramones..
I saw this sculpture in person. It is absolutely awe inspiring. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it.
Miss Sue
Miss Sue
Miancee22, Breathtaking!
amazing technique, stunning sculpture.
so delicate and exquisitely rendered !