In Irish mythology what is the name of a female spirit who heralds the death of a family member?
Correct answer: Banshee

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
The Baobhan Sith comes from the Scottish Highlands; it's a Gaidhlig (Scottish Gaelic) word which is pronounced very similarly to "Ban Shee". They are different creatures though.

Cha Cha
Interesting, have heard of Banshees before, good to have this info that I didn't know

That Cøunt, Ray Bumpkin
In Scots, Cailleach is simply "old woman", nothing supernatural. Old man is "bodach".

Player Billynomates
Cha Cha, I heard a banshee at 4a.m many years ago at the exact time a friend of mines son died. Knew at once he had passed and seconds his mother called to tell me the very sad news

Player Elf Counsel
Cha Cha, My uncle was a magician and toured Ireland in the fifties. He said he'd actually heard one.

always was heard when some body going to die

Player Billynomates, that was likely a cat that you heard there are no such things as banshees or fairies

Mrs.Patmore mentioned "The Cry of a Banshee" in Downton Abbey, too.

I know the expression well and have never knew what a banshee was. love this game!